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White Sand and Stone

About Jim

I have embraced several primary concepts to promote the healing and recovery process of every patient:

  1. Hendrickson Method® Orthopedic Massage & Manual Therapy

  2. RockTape® Functional Movement Therapy

  3. Movement-based Therapy including Wuji Qigong, Taiji Quan and Hatha Yoga

  4. Corrective Exercise Therapy


By combining current science-based therapies, movement and exercise concepts and ancient movement techniques, I address directly the pain and discomfort each patient is experiencing by providing a detailed, customized and individualized treatment plan for each patient to promote their own unique recovery needs.

I know I can help you find meaningful recovery and healing.

Credentials and Certifications

De Anza College

Certificate of Achievement – Massage Therapy 

Certificate of Achievement – Advanced Massage Therapy 

Associate of Arts – Massage Therapy 

Hendrickson Method

HM Practitioner Certification

HM Therapist Certification

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California Massage Therapy Council

Certified Massage Therapist (CMT)

National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB)

Advanced Chair Massage

Sports Massage

National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF)

Personal Trainer Certification

Rocktape (Functional Movement Techniques (FMT)

FMT Basic

FMT Advanced

FMT Blades

FMT Blades Advanced

FMT Rockfloss

FMT Rockpods

FMT Vibration Specialist

FMT Movement Specialist

FMT Movement Specialist Advanced

FMT Mobility Specialist

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Triloka / Daoist Yoga Academy

200-Hour Qigong Instructor certification

200-hour Tai Chi Chuan (Yang-style) Instructor certification

Yoga Alliance

RYT 200-Hour Yoga Instructor certification

RYT 500-Hour Yoga Instructor certification

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